Retirement gives you a new level of freedom. You no longer have to stick with your usual routine of getting up early and going to work 5 days a week. So, what should you do with yourself? Some people find themselves initially feeling bored and a little lost when they retire. If you’re planning for retirement or are a recent retiree, here are some ideas of things you can do with your newfound free time.
Pick up a new hobby
Is there something that’s always interested you but you’ve never found the time for? Well now is the time to do it! You might want to learn a new language or learn how to play an instrument. Take up gardening, fishing, or photography. Join a local club or class to pick up a new sport or activity. There are almost endless options of hobbies you could pursue.
Now that you don’t have to worry about taking time off work or fitting trips into a weekend, the world is your oyster. Travel to all those places you’ve never been to, or your favorite places that you want to revisit. Travel across the US or to new countries around the world. Why not buy a motorhome and travel across the country at your own pace?
Move somewhere new
Is there somewhere you’ve always dreamed of living? Now is the time since you’re no longer tied to a location due to your job. Maybe you want to retire to the countryside or experience the hustle and bustle of a big city. You could move closer to family who have moved away or move somewhere with the best weather.
Spend more time with family
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that make you feel the most fulfilled, like spending time with family and watching your grandkids grow up. You might want to spend your retirement doing more of this. Visit family members more often and offer your babysitting services if you have grandchildren. Your adult children will certainly appreciate it and it will help strengthen your bond with their kids.
Volunteering your time for a charity or a local group can be an extremely rewarding activity. Look for local volunteering opportunities in your area to find something that interests you, whether you want to work with animals, children, or in nature, for example.
Get a part-time job
Some people feel like they’re missing something once they’re no longer working, so getting a part-time job is another option. This could give you a sense of purpose, as well as some extra money to top up your retirement fund. But, at the same time, it still gives you more time to yourself than when you were working full-time.
How and where will you spend your retirement? If senior living suits you now or in the future, then contact Brookstone of Clemmons to find out more about our independent and assisted living communities.